Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Treacherous Test Taking  

Math class is one of my favorite subjects. No, I am not joking. I actually enjoy math quite a bit. Out of all of my subjects including options, Math is my second favorite. I enjoy Language Arts the most, but that's not what I am here to talk about. Today, I had a math test in the fifth period. We had a whole period to work on this test which was eight questions long. The topic was an easy one but yet it took me two whole periods to complete it.  Almost everyone completed the test in the one period that they were given except for five of us. I was one of those five. I missed half the school year because I was in a hospital for my OCD. The period that I had after math class was my study block, which is the time that I use to catch up with the schooling. 

Anyway, I took almost two whole periods to complete an eight-question math test. When I was finished, my teacher told me that I needed to practice my test taking skills because it shouldn't take me this long. I knew that I was taking a while and I knew why it was taking so long. It was mostly because I had erased and rewritten a bunch of my answers because they were too messy in my opinion. If you ask anyone else they would say that I have incredibly nice printing even when I write my messiest. I also have to check my adding several times, or else I think I will get the answer wrong. 

On this test, I have to use a calculator. When I use a calculator, I have to hit the clear button a certain amount of times before I allow myself to start typing anything else. I ended up finishing my test, which is the most important part, but I definitely need some practice on my time skills. I think next time I do a math test, I am going to limit myself to only erase one time and then move on. I may not be saving a lot of time by doing this, but baby steps are a good start. That's all for today guys. Thanks for reading and remember,  If you keep your face to the sun you can't see a shadow.

Sunday, 21 April 2019

Hair Hazzard

 Sunday, April 21, 2019                               Shae Shares

Hair Hazard

   Do you guys ever have those days when you are trying to do your hair and you just can't get it right. That's how it was for me today except way harder.

   I was over today at my best friend, (lets call her Veda). We were getting 
ready for the day ahead. My morning normally consists of the following steps: use bathroom, get dressed, take pills, brush teeth, style hair, put on makeup, and eat breakfast. That is my routine and that is how it is every morning. I was on the hair styling step and I decided on space buns. My hair only comes down to my shoulders, and it is layered; so I can only put half of it up into spaces buns. Doing my hair is the part of my morning routine that I dread the most. I wake up and try to flat iron my hair, which is not that easy. This morning, I had my hair almost finished when I realized my buns were not exactly four fingers apart. I took them out and fixed them so they were even. Next, I noticed one had a slight piece of hair that was sticking out, so I took my hair out and did it again. I thought they looked good until I started to wrap them around onto the circular shape. Now this is when I started to loose my marbles. One was more flat, one was more round, then one was too tall the other too short. I went on for about 25 minutes putting them in, and them taking them out, until I got really angry and decided I would just stick to one bun. When I do my bun(s), I have to apply a generous amount of hairspray and vigorously back comb it to make it thick. I had repeated the same process with my singular bun until I was about to reach for Veda's scissors and chop my hair off. I took my hair out and went to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door and did my figure 8 breathing. Breath in around the top of the 8 and out around the bottom while tracing it on my leg. I had calmed down and told myself I was going to pick a hairstyle and stick to it. I washed and conditioned my hair in the sink to get the knots out from the backcombing. I combed it and then went down stairs to take my mind off of my hair. I just ignored my hair and turns out it looked fine. I don't need to be so concerned  about something so little and un-important. Note to self, I am going to limit my time that I do my hair so I don't get stuck. The figure 8 breathing really helped and I managed to carry on with life and the rest of my day was great.
Hair is nothing to stress about it. It will all fall out one day anyway and then it won't matter. My daily advice is to use figure 8 breathing when you are flustered about something. It can help bring you back to a calm and collected state. That's all for today guys. Thanks for reading and remember, If you keep your face to the sun you can't see a shadow.

How to practise figure 8 breathing: