Sunday, 1 September 2019


Car Crash 

Over the summer, my family and I went on a camping trip in a rented motor home. We do not go camping very often so this was very exiting to me. Last year we went camping in a motor home but it was not a good time for anyone because I was off my medication, therefore I was struggling with my OCD and anxiety. I figured because I was in a good state of mind and also because my medication was working fairly well that this would be a good camping trip. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

Approximately 2 days after we hit the road we reached our first camp ground in the Shuswaps. We had a long day ahead of us so we decided that we were going to grab some fire wood and relax. The campground that we stayed at was out of firewood, so we needed to go buy some. My mom, my dad, my dog+cat, and I got in the motor home and we drove to get the firewood. We couldn't find any, so we turned around to head back to the campground. We were driving on the road just about to cross a bridge when I felt us stop. I had my little dog in my lap and I heard my mom yell  "they're going to hit us!" I tucked my head down and held on to my dog really tight. We got crashed into head-on by a lady in a tiny car.  Everyone was fine in our vehicle, but my mom was worried about the lady who hit us. Her car was totalled and she was sitting in the car. I called 911 and the ambulance arrived shortly after. The lady who had hit us was not seriously hurt, but she was intoxicated. The paramedics examined everyone and told us we were free to go. 

After the accident, I held onto anything I could when we were about to stop. When I hear someone's tires screech, I panic. The image of us crashing plays in my head. Even thought I am angry at the lady who hit us, I still feel for her. For the first few days I was scared to drive because I was worried we were going to crash again. I called my therapist and she helped me get through some of my fears. We also have an EMDR session coming up this Monday. I will be able to work on my anxiety towards the accident a little more. I will update you guys as soon as I can. Hopefully I can restore my feeling of safety while in the car. I know in scary situations it is hard to be positive, but as long as you keep your face to the sun, you can't see a shadow.